
2.2 KiB


Open the project, and remove all the files except ai.js.
Copy the game engine (index.html) to the root of the student's project.
Create a simple web server by running the following command. You will first need to cd to the root of the student's project.
$ python3 -m http.server
Serving HTTP on :: port 8000 (http://[::]:8000/)
Open a web browser, and go to the specified port. In the above case, that will be http://localhost:8000.
You can find the source code for each AI opponent here. You'll need to place each .js file at the root of the student's project: http://localhost:8000/?ai=https://((DOMAIN))/git/root/public/raw/branch/master/subjects/tron/ai/
Battle ai.js versus random.js. It is best out of 3. Delete the seed before each go. http://localhost:8000/?ai=random.js+ai.js
Did ai.js win random.js at least 2 times out of the 3 games?
Battle ai.js versus right.js. It is best out of 3. Delete the seed before each go. http://localhost:8000/?ai=right.js+ai.js
Did ai.js win right.js at least 2 times out of the 3 games?
Battle ai.js versus snail.js. It is best out of 3. Delete the seed before each go. http://localhost:8000/?ai=snail.js+ai.js
Did ai.js win snail.js at least 2 times out of the 3 games?
Does the code avoid deep nesting?
Battle ai.js versus hard.js. It is best out of 3. Delete the seed before each go. http://localhost:8000/?ai=hard.js+ai.js
Did ai.js win hard.js at least 2 times out of the 3 games?
At any point, did the AI player complete the game without crashing because of too much CPU usage?


Battle ai.js versus licence-to-kill.js. It is best out of 3. Delete the seed before each go. http://localhost:8000/?ai=licence-to-kill.js+ai.js
+Did ai.js win licence-to-kill.js at least 2 times out of the 3 games?
If you have an AI, and are prepared for battle. Modify the URL to battle against your AI. Best out of 3.
+Did the audited AI win against your AI?