
146 lines
4.6 KiB

## personal-shopper
### Instructions
You know your guests, but don't forget you have to feed them if you want to be
considered as a good host.
Create a `personal-shopper.mjs` script that:
- Takes a file as first argument, for example `shopping-list.json`
- Takes one of these keywords as second argument:
- `create`: create the file
- `delete`: delete the file
- `add`: add a new element to the list in the file.
- This command line must take a third argument which is the name of the new
entry in your list. If no third argument is passed, console must print
this error: `No elem specified.`.
- This command line could take a fourth argument which is the number of
elements you want for this new entry.
- If there is no 4rth argument or the 4rth argument is `NaN`, 1 would be
the value by default.
- If the entry already exists, it would add 1 or more to the original
- Using a negative number must behave as `rm` command.
- `rm`: remove an element from the list in the file
- This command line must take a third argument which is the name of the
entry to remove from the list.
- If no third argument is passed, console must print this error:
`No elem specified.`.
- If the entry does not exists, it does nothing.
- This command line could take a fourth argument which is the number of
elements you want to delete from this entry.
- If there is no 4rth argument: it remove the entry.
- If the 4rth argument is `NaN`, nothing is removed and console must print
this error `Unexpected request: nothing has been removed`.
- If the 4rth argument is a number, it will subtract this number from the
original value (if the new value is <= 0, it will remove the entry).
- Using a negative number must behave as `add` command.
- `help`: print all the command lines available, with a description of it
(specifications in the examples)
- `ls` or no more arguments: print the list in the console.
- Each line is formatted like this: `- element (number)`
- If the list is empty, this message should appear in console:
`Empty list.`.
If no keyword is passed as second argument, the helper should be printed in the console.
#### Examples
- `node personal-shopper.mjs shopping-list.json create` would create the file
- `node personal-shopper.mjs shopping-list.json delete` would remove the file
- `node personal-shopper.mjs shopping-list.json add "tzatziki pot"` would update
the content of the file like:
"tzatziki pot": 1
- `node personal-shopper.mjs shopping-list.json add carrots 5` would update the
content of the file like:
"tzatziki pot": 1,
"carrots": 5
- `node personal-shopper.mjs shopping-list.json add carrots 2` would update the
content of the file like:
"tzatziki pot": 1,
"carrots": 7
- `node personal-shopper.mjs shopping-list.json rm carrots 4` would update the
content of the file like:
"tzatziki pot": 1,
"carrots": 3
- `node personal-shopper.mjs shopping-list.json rm carrots` would update the
content of the file like:
"tzatziki pot": 1
- `node personal-shopper.mjs shopping-list.json rm carrots -3` would update the
content of the file like:
"tzatziki pot": 1,
"carrots": 3
- `node personal-shopper.mjs shopping-list.json add carrots -3` would update the
content of the file like:
"tzatziki pot": 1
- `node personal-shopper.mjs shopping-list.json ls` would print the list in your
console like this:
- tzatziki pot (1)
- `node personal-shopper.mjs help` would print a list of all available commands
in your console :
- create: takes a filename as argument and create it (should have `.json` extension specified)
- delete: takes a filename as argument and delete it
<!-- etc. -->
### Notions
- [Node file system: `rm`](
- [Node file system: `writeFile`](
- [`JSON.parse()`](
- [`JSON.stringify()`](
- [`isNaN()`](
- [`Number()`](
- [`console.error()`](