
993 B



Write a function FifthAndSkip() that takes a string and returns another string. The function separates every five characters of the string with a space and removes the sixth one.

  • If there are spaces in the middle of a word, ignore them and get the first character after the spaces until you reach a length of 5.
  • If the string is less than 5 characters return Invalid Input followed by a newline \n.
  • If the string is empty return a newline \n.

Expected function

func FifthAndSkip(str string) string {



Here is a possible program to test your function:

package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Print(piscine.FifthAndSkip("This is a short sentence"))

And its output:

$ go run . | cat -e
abcde ghijk mnopq stuwx z$
Thisi ashor sente ce$
Invalid Input$