
61 lines
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// fake `getJSON` function
let getJSON = async (url) => url
// /*/ // ⚡
export const tests = []
const t = (f) => tests.push(f)
t(async ({ eq, ctx }) => {
// queryServers with main server be fastest
ctx.setTimings({ pouet_backup: 2 })
return eq(await queryServers('pouet', ctx.r), `/pouet?q=${ctx.r}`)
t(async ({ eq, ctx }) => {
// queryServers with backup server be fastest
ctx.setTimings({ pouet: 2 })
return eq(await queryServers('pouet', ctx.r), `/pouet_backup?q=${ctx.r}`)
t(async ({ eq, ctx }) => {
// gougleSearch fast enough
ctx.setTimings({ web_backup: 3, image: 2, video_backup: 4 })
return eq(await gougleSearch(ctx.r), {
web: `/web?q=${ctx.r}`,
image: `/image_backup?q=${ctx.r}`,
video: `/video?q=${ctx.r}`,
t(async ({ eq, ctx }) => {
// gougleSearch fast enough, alternate timings
ctx.setTimings({ web: 3, image_backup: 1, video: 4 })
return eq(await gougleSearch(ctx.r), {
web: `/web_backup?q=${ctx.r}`,
image: `/image?q=${ctx.r}`,
video: `/video_backup?q=${ctx.r}`,
t(async ({ eq, ctx }) => {
// gougleSearch too slow !
ctx.setTimings({ web: 85, web_backup: 99 })
return eq(
await gougleSearch(ctx.r).then(
() => Promise.reject(Error('Should fail')),
(err) => err.message
export const setup = () => ({
r: Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),
setTimings: (timings) =>
(getJSON = (url) =>
new Promise((s) =>
setTimeout(s, timings[url.split(/\/([^?]+)?/)[1]] || 0, url)