Zouhair AMAZZAL c7f36ff700 docs(system-monitor) remove Power section 2023-09-04 14:48:40 +01:00
.. docs(system-monitor) remove Power section 2023-09-04 14:48:40 +01:00


Try and run the application, and search for the system monitor.
Is the operating system name correct? (linux)
Try and run the application and search for the user logged in. Then run the command "who".
Are both the users the same?
Try and run the application and search for the hostname. Then run the command "hostname".
Are both the names the same?
Try and run the application and search for the total number of tasks/processes. Then run the command "top" and search for the "Tasks".
Are both the total number of tasks the same?
Try and run the application and search for the CPU type. Then run the command "cat /proc/cpuinfo".
Is the CPU type provided by the application the same as the "model name" present in the cpuinfo file?
Try and run the application and search for the system monitor.
Can you confirm that there is a tabbed section?
And if so, does it have the following tabs : "CPU", "Fan", "Thermal"?
Try and run the application and open the "CPU" tab in the system monitor.
Is there a performance graph with the current CPU percentage?
And if so, does it have a working slide bar for the fps and the "y" scale?
Does it also have a way to stop the graph animation?
Try and run the application and open the "Thermal" tab in the system monitor.
Is there a performance graph?
And if so, does it have a working slide bar for the fps and the "y" scale?
Does it also have a way to stop the graph animation?
Try and run the command "cat /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal".
Is the temperature the same as in the application?
Try and increase the computers temperature (without breaking anything), and look at the thermal graph.
Is the temperature increasing accordingly?
Try and run the application and open the "Fan" tab in the system monitor.
Is there a performance graph?
And if so, does it have a working slide bar for the fps and the "y" scale?
Does it also have a way to stop the graph animation?
Try and run the application and search for the memory and process monitor.
Can you confirm that there is a visual display of the memory usage?
Try and run the application and search for the RAM, then run the command "free -h" and compare the values.
Can you confirm that both usage and total(RAM) are the same as in the application?
Try and run the application and search for the SWAP, them run the command "free -h" and compare the values.
Can you confirm that both usage and total(SWAP) are the same as in the application?
Try and run the application and search fot the Disk, then run the command "df -h /" and compare the values.
Can you confirm that the disk size and usage are same as in the application?
Try and run the application and search for the Process Table.
Does the table present the columns PID, Name, State, CPU usage and Memory usage?
Try and run the application, then use the filter to search for the process "monitor".
Were you able to filter the table?
Try and run the command "top", then search for the process "monitor".
Are the values from each column the same as in the command "top"?
Try and run the application, then select from the table three processes.
Was it possible to select three processes?
Try and run the application and search for the ip address, then run the command "ifconfig".
Are the list of networks the same as in the application?
And if so, is the ip correct for each network?
Try and run the application and go to the RX (network receiver) table, then run the command "cat /proc/net/dev" and search for the column Receive.
Are the values from the table the same as in the application?
Try and run the application and go to the TX (network transmitter) table, then run the command "cat /proc/net/dev" and search for the column Transmit.
Are the values from the table the same as in the application?
Try and run the application and search for the tabbed section that contains the visual usage of the network and select the Receiver (RX).
Is there a visual representation for it?
Try and run the application and search for the tabbed section that contains the visual usage of the network and select the Receiver (RX). Then test your network download speed.
Is the value form the right network increasing while testing the download speed?
Try and run the application and search for the tabbed section that contains the visual usage of the network and select the Transmitter (TX). Then test your network upload speed.
Is the value form the right network increasing while testing the upload speed?
Try and run the application and search for the tabbed section that contains the visual usage of the network and select the Transmitter (TX).
Is there a visual representation for it?
Try and run the application and search for the tabbed section that contains the visual usage of the network and select the Receiver (RX), then run the command "ifconfig" and compare each network with the visual representation.
Are the values from the command the same as in the application?
Try and run the application and search for the tabbed section that contains the visual usage of the network and select the Transmitter (TX), then run the command "ifconfig" and compare each network with the visual representation.
Are the values from the command the same as in the application?
Are the values well converted for each network? (from bytes to GB, MB or KB, obeying the rules from the subject)