nprimo 775ca234c9 feat(real-time-forum): update audit
- fix some small grammar mistakes
- clarify audit question mentioned in github issues
2023-08-14 09:18:24 +01:00
.. feat(real-time-forum): update audit 2023-08-14 09:18:24 +01:00


Has the requirement for the allowed packages been respected? (Check the allowed packages)
In order to use the new and upgraded forum, users will have to register and login.
Do you need to register/login in the forum to use it?
Try registering as a new user.
Does the site ask for a nickname, age, gender, first and last name, email and password?
Try to log in as an unregistered user.
Did it fail to enter the forum?
Go to the login page.
Does the login request for a nickname or an email combined with a password?
Try to log in as a registered user.
Are you able to log in?
After logging in, try to log out at different pages of the forum.
Are you able to log out in every page?
Try to create a post.
Are you able to create a post?
Log in as a registered user.
Are you able to see the post you previously created?
Log in as a registered user and try to comment a post.
Are you able to comment on the post?
Click on the post you created.
Are you able to see the comment you previously created?
Is there a section designed to show online users?
Are the chat users organized by last message sent (just like discord)?
Try and register a new user that does not have chat messages.
Are the chat users organized in alphabetic order?
Try to send a message.
Does the message respect the format, by using the users name and the date that the message was sent?
Open two browsers (ex: Chrome and Firefox), log in with different users in each one and with one of them try to send a private message to the other.
Did the other user receive a notification?
Open two browsers (ex: Chrome and Firefox), log in with different users in each one and with one of them try to send a private message to the other.
Did the other user receive the message in real time, without refreshing the page?
Try to open a private conversation, that has more than 10 messages.
Can you see the last 10 messages only?
Try to open a private conversation, that has more than 20 messages and scroll up to see the rest of the conversation.
Does it use the scroll event to load more messages?
Try to open a private conversation, that has more than 20 messages and scroll up to see the rest of the conversation.
Does it load just 10 messages, without spamming the scroll event (This can be done using the function Throttle)?


+Does the project run quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursion, no unnecessary data requests, etc...)
+Does the code obey the good practices?
+Do the users have profiles?
+Can the users send images through the private messages?
+Is the code using synchronicity (Promises and Go routines/channels) to increase performance?
+Do you think this project is well done in general ?