nprimo 8d781bd7f6 docs(git): update audit to be consistent with subject 2024-04-17 15:22:20 +01:00
.. docs(git): update audit to be consistent with subject 2024-04-17 15:22:20 +01:00


⚠️ The student must provide you with a file containing the solutions for each task. Furthermore, they should showcase their commit history on GitHub, facilitating your review of the evolution of their work and the strategies employed to complete each task. This commit history is crucial to the evaluation process. Please ensure that the submission includes both the solution file and the link to the GitHub repository containing the commit history. In the absence of the link, kindly request the student to provide it.

Setup and Installation

Did the student successfully install Git on their local machine?
Did the student configure Git with a valid username and email address?

Git commits to commit

Did the student navigate to the work directory and create a subdirectory named hello?
Did the student generate a file named with the content echo "Hello, World" inside the hello directory?
Did the student initialize a Git repository in the hello directory?
Did the student use the git status command to check the status of the repository?
Did the student modify the file content with the provided echo "Hello, $1"?
Did the student stage the modified file, commit the changes to the repository, and ensure that the working tree is clean afterward?
Did the student further modify the file to include comments, and then make two separate commits as instructed?
Did the student make two separate commits, with the first commit for the comment in line 1 and the second commit for the changes made to lines 3 and 4, as instructed?


Did the student display the Git history of the working directory with the git log command?
Did the student successfully display a condensed view of the Git history, showing only commit hashes and messages using the "One-Line History" format?
Was the student able to customize the log output to display the last 2 entries?
Did the student successfully demonstrate viewing commits made within the last 5 minutes?
Did the student successfully customize the format of Git logs and display them according to this example * e4e3645 2023-06-10 | Added a comment (HEAD -> main) [John Doe]?

Check it out

Did the student successfully restore the first snapshot of the working tree and print the content of
Did the student successfully restore the second recent snapshot and print the content of
Did the student ensure that the working directory reflects the latest version of from the main branch without using commit hashes?

TAG me

Did the student successfully tag the current version of the repository as v1?
Did the student successfully tag the version immediately prior to the current version as v1-beta, without relying on commit hashes?
Did the student navigate back and forth between the two tagged versions, v1 and v1-beta?
Did the student display a list of all tags present in the repository to verify successful tagging?

Changed your mind?

Did the student successfully revert the modifications made to the latest version of the file, restoring it to its original state before staging using a Git command?
Did the student introduce unwanted changes to the file, stage them, and then successfully clean the staging area to discard the changes?
Did the student add unwanted changes again, stage the file, commit the changes, and then revert them back to their original state?
Did the student tag the latest commit with oops and remove commits made after the v1 version, ensuring that the HEAD points to v1?
Did the student display the logs with the deleted commits, particularly focusing on the commit tagged oops?
Did the student ensure that unreferenced commits were deleted from the history, with no logs remaining for these deleted commits?
Did the student add author information to the file and commit the changes?
Did the student update the file to include the author email without making a new commit, but included the change in the last commit?

Move it

Did the student successfully move the program into a lib/ directory using Git commands?
Did the student commit the move of
Did the student create and commit a Makefile in the root directory of the repository with the provided content?

blobs, trees and commits

Ask the student to navigate to the .git/ directory and explain to you the purpose of each subdirectory, including objects/, config, refs, and HEAD.
Was the student able to explain the purpose of each subdirectory, including objects/, config, refs, and HEAD?
Did the student successfully find the latest object hash within the .git/objects/ directory using Git commands?
Was the student able to print the type and content of this object using Git commands?
Did the student use Git commands to dump the directory tree referenced by a specific commit?
Were they able to dump the contents of the lib/ directory and the file using Git commands?

Branching, Merging & Rebasing

Did the student successfully create and switch to a new branch named greet?
Did the student create and commited a new file named in the lib directory with the provided code in it?
Did the student update the lib/ file with the provided content, stage, and commit the changes?
Did the student update the Makefile with the comment, stage, and commit the changes?
Was the student able to compare and show the differences between the main and greet branches for the Makefile,, and files?
Did the student generate a file with the provided content and commit it?
Did the student draw a commit tree diagram illustrating the diverging changes between all branches to demonstrate the branch history?

Conflicts, merging and rebasing

Did the student successfully merge the changes from the main branch into the greet branch?
Did the student make the specified changes to the file in the main branch and commit them?
Did the student attempt to merge the main branch into the greet branch creating a conflict during the merge?
Did the student successfully resolve the conflict, accepting changes from the main branch?
Did the student commit the conflict resolution changes?
Did the student return to the point before the initial merge between main and greet?
Did the student rebase the greet branch on top of the latest changes in the main branch?
Did the student successfully merge the changes from the greet branch into the main branch?
Ask the student to explain the difference between merging and rebasing and if he understand Fast-Forwarding.
Did the student demonstrate an understanding of fast-forwarding?
was the student able to explain the difference between merging and rebasing?

Local & Remote Repositories

Did the student complete the cloning process of the hello repository to cloned_hello?
Did the student fetch and merge changes from the remote repository into the main branch?
Did the student list both remote and local branches, make changes to the original repository, and synchronize the cloned repository with remote changes?
Did the student successfully clone the hello repository into the work/ directory as cloned_hello, without using the copy command?
Did the student show the logs for the cloned_hello repository?
Did the student display the name of the remote repository (origin) and provide more information about it?
Did the student list all remote and local branches in the cloned_hello repository?
Did the student make changes to the original repository, update the file with the provided content, and commit the changes?
Inside the cloned repository (cloned_hello), did the student fetch the changes from the remote repository and display the logs, ensuring commits from the hello repository are included?
Did the student merge the changes from the remote main branch into the local main branch?
Did the student add a local branch named greet tracking the remote origin/greet branch?
Did the student add a remote reference to their Git repository?
Did the student push the main and greet branches to the remote repository?
Ask the following question to the student:

What is the single git command equivalent to what you did before to bring changes from remote to local main branch?

Did the student provide an accurate response?

Bare Repositories

Ask the following question to the student:

What is a bare repository and why is it needed?

Did the student correctly explain what a bare repository is and why it is needed?
Did the student successfully create a bare repository named hello.git from the existing hello repository?
Did the student add the bare hello.git repository as a remote to the original repository hello?
Did the student change the file in the original repository, commit the change, and push it to the shared repository?
Did the student switch to the cloned repository cloned_hello and successfully pull down the changes just pushed to the shared repository?