nprimo 4fa5c876a7 docs: run prettify and move h1 to h2 2023-06-09 09:17:48 +01:00
.. docs: run prettify and move h1 to h2 2023-06-09 09:17:48 +01:00

Basic Swap

We will create a basic swap smart contract that will allow two users, Alice and Bob, to exchange two minimal tokens safely. The contracts will be specific to the two users and unidirectional.


  • Create a UsableToken contract as defined before
  • Create a Smart Contract BasicSwap with a constructor that takes the address of two Externally Owned Accounts.
  • Create a function swap(tokenA, AmountA, TokenB, AmountB) that takes as parameters, two UsableTokencontracts and amounts
    • The function checks that users gave the corresponding allowances to the smart contract
    • The function proceed to transfert the first amount in TokenA from Alice to Bob and the second amount from Bob to Alice

To test your smart contract, you will need to deploy two instances of UsableToken
