
310 lines
9.4 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

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import puppeteer from 'puppeteer'
import { join as joinPath, dirname, extname } from 'path'
import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises'
import { deepStrictEqual } from 'assert'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import { tmpdir } from 'os'
import http from 'http'
import fs from 'fs'
global.window = global
global._fetch = fetch
global.fetch = url => {
// this is a fake implementation of fetch for the tester
const accessBody = async () => { throw Error('body unavailable') }
return {
ok: false,
type: 'basic',
status: 500,
statusText: 'Internal Server Error',
json: accessBody,
text: accessBody,
const wait = delay => new Promise(s => setTimeout(s, delay))
const fail = fn => { try { fn() } catch (err) { return true } }
const upperFirst = (str) => str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
const randStr = (n = 7) => Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, n)
const between = (min, max) => {
max || (max = min, min = 0)
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min)
const props = [String,Array]
.flatMap(({ prototype }) =>
.map(key => ({ key, value: prototype[key], src: prototype })))
.filter(p => typeof p.value === 'function')
const eq = (a, b) => {
const changed = []
for (const p of props) { !p.src[p.key] && (changed[changed.length] = p) }
for (const p of changed) { p.src[p.key] = p.value }
deepStrictEqual(a, b)
for (const p of changed) { p.src[p.key] = undefined }
return true
const [solutionPath, name] = process.argv.slice(2)
const tools = { eq, fail, wait, randStr, between, upperFirst }
const fatal = (...args) => {
solutionPath || fatal('missing solution-path, usage:\nnode test solution-path exercise-name')
name || fatal('missing exercise, usage:\nnode test solution-path exercise-name')
const ifNoEnt = fn => err => {
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') throw err
const root = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
const read = (filename, description) =>
readFile(filename, 'utf8').catch(
ifNoEnt(() => fatal(`Missing ${description} for ${name}`)),
const modes = { '.js': 'function', '.mjs': 'node', '.json': 'inline' }
const readTest = filename => readFile(filename, 'utf8')
.then(test => ({ test, mode: modes[extname(filename)] }))
const stackFmt = (err, url) => {
for (const p of props) { p.src[p.key] = p.value }
if (err instanceof Error) return err.stack.split(url).join(`${name}.js`)
throw Error(`Unexpected type thrown: ${typeof err}. usage: throw Error('my message')`)
const any = arr =>
new Promise(async (s, f) => {
let firstError
const setError = err => firstError || (firstError = err)
await Promise.all( => p.then(s, setError)))
const testNode = async () => {
const path = `${solutionPath}/${name}.mjs`
return {
url: joinPath(root, `${name}_test.mjs`),
code: await read(path, 'student solution'),
const runInlineTests = async ({ json }) => {
const restore = new Set()
const equal = deepStrictEqual
const saveArguments = (src, key) => {
const savedArgs = []
const fn = src[key]
src[key] = (...args) => {
return fn(...args)
restore.add(() => (src[key] = fn))
return savedArgs
const logs = []
console.log = (...args) => logs.push(args)
const die = (...args) => {
logs.forEach((logArgs) =>
const solution = await loadAndSanitizeSolution()
for (const { description, code } of JSON.parse(json)) {
logs.length = 0
const [provided, tests] = code.includes('// Your code')
? code.split('// Your code')
: ['', code]
const fullCode = `
${provided ? '// Provided setup' : ''}
// Your code
// The tests
try {
eval(fullCode)`${description}:`, 'PASS')
} catch (err) {`${description}:`, 'FAIL')'\n======= Error ======')' ->', err.message, '\n')'\n======= Code =======')
const loadAndSanitizeSolution = async () => {
const path = `${solutionPath}/${name}.js`
const rawCode = await read(path, "student solution")
// this is a very crude and basic removal of comments
// since checking code is only use to prevent cheating
// it's not that important if it doesn't work 100% of the time.
const code = rawCode.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|\/\/.*/g, "").trim()
if (code.includes("import")) fatal("import keyword not allowed")
return { code, rawCode, path }
const runTests = async ({ url, path, code }) => {
const { setup, tests } = await import(url).catch(err =>
fatal(`Unable to execute ${name}, error:\n${stackFmt(err, url)}`),
Object.assign(tools, { code, path })
tools.ctx = (await (setup && setup(tools))) || {}
const isDOM = name.endsWith('-dom')
if (isDOM) {
Object.assign(tools, await prepareForDOM({ code }))
let timeout
for (const [i, t] of tests.entries()) {
try {
const waitWithTimeout = Promise.race([
new Promise((s, f) => {
timeout = setTimeout(f, 60000, Error('Time limit reached (1min)'))
if (!(await waitWithTimeout) && !isDOM) {
throw Error('Test failed')
} catch (err) {`test #${i+1} failed:\n${t.toString()}\n`)
fatal(stackFmt(err, url))
} finally {
}`${name} passed (${tests.length} tests)`)
// add puppeteer tests as JS language:
const PORT = 9898
const config = {
args: [
// This will write shared memory files into /tmp instead of /dev/shm,
// because Dockers default for /dev/shm is 64MB
headless: !process.env.DEBUG_PUPPETTEER,
// LEGACY random, use between instead (only used by dom exercise, to be replaced)
const random = (min, max = min) => {
max === min && (min = 0)
min = Math.ceil(min)
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.floor(max) - min + 1)) + min
const rgbToHsl = rgbStr => {
const [r, g, b] = rgbStr.slice(4, -1).split(',').map(Number)
const max = Math.max(r, g, b)
const min = Math.min(r, g, b)
const l = (max + min) / ((0xff * 2) / 100)
if (max === min) return [0, 0, l]
const d = max - min
const s = (d / (l > 50 ? 0xff * 2 - max - min : max + min)) * 100
if (max === r) return [((g - b) / d + (g < b && 6)) * 60, s, l]
return max === g
? [((b - r) / d + 2) * 60, s, l]
: [((r - g) / d + 4) * 60, s, l]
const prepareForDOM = ({ code }, server) => new Promise((s, f) => (server = http
.createServer(({ url, method }, response) => { + ' ' + url)
// Loading either the `index.html` or the js code (student solution)
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')
return response.end(`<script type="module">${code}</script>`)
.listen(PORT, async listenErr => {
if (listenErr) return f(listenErr)
try {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(config)
const [page] = await browser.pages()
await page.goto(`http://localhost:${PORT}/index.html`)
deepStrictEqual.$ = async (selector, props) => {
const keys = Object.keys(props)
const extractProps = (node, props) => {
const fromProps = (a, b) => Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(b).map(k => [
typeof b[k] === 'object' ? fromProps(a[k], b[k]) : a[k],
return fromProps(node, props)
const domProps = await page.$eval(selector, extractProps, props)
return deepStrictEqual(props, domProps)
deepStrictEqual.css = async (selector, props) => {
const cssProps = await page.evaluate((selector, props) => {
const styles = Object.fromEntries([...document.styleSheets]
.flatMap(({ cssRules }) => [...cssRules].map(r => [r.selectorText,])))
if (!styles[selector]) {
throw Error(`css ${selector} did not match any declarations`)
return Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(props).map(k => [k, styles[selector][k]]))
}, selector, props)
return deepStrictEqual(props, cssProps)
.overridePermissions(`http://localhost:${PORT}`, ['clipboard-read'])
s({ page, browser, random, rgbToHsl, eq: deepStrictEqual, server })
} catch (err) {
const main = async () => {
const { test, mode } = await any([
readTest(joinPath(root, `${name}.json`)),
readTest(joinPath(root, `${name}_test.js`)),
readTest(joinPath(root, `${name}_test.mjs`)),
]).catch(ifNoEnt((err) => fatal(`Missing test for ${name}`)))
if (mode === "node") return runTests(await testNode())
if (mode === "inline") return runInlineTests({ json: test })
const { rawCode, code, path } = await loadAndSanitizeSolution()
const parts = test.split("// /*/ // ⚡")
const [inject, testCode] = parts.length < 2 ? ["", test] : parts
const combined = `${inject.trim()}\n${rawCode
.replace(inject.trim(), "")
const url = `${tmpdir()}/${name}.mjs`
await writeFile(url, combined)
return runTests({ path, code, url })
() => process.exit(0),
err => fatal(err?.stack || Error('').stack),