
98 lines
2.5 KiB

Array.prototype.reduce = undefined
Array.prototype.reduceRight = undefined
// /*/ // ⚡
export const tests = []
const t = (f) => tests.push(f)
const adder = (a, b) => a + b
const ifOdd = (a, b) => (b % 2 === 0 ? a + 2 : a * 2)
const concatenate = (a = '', b) => a.concat(b)
const merger = (a, b) => ({ ...a, ...b })
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(fold(ctx.num1, adder, 0), 39))
t(({ eq, ctx }) =>
eq(fold(ctx.str1, concatenate, '-> '), '-> This is a simple example'),
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(fold(ctx.num1, ifOdd, 0), 6))
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(fold(ctx.num1, adder, 4), 43))
t(({ eq, ctx }) =>
fold(ctx.str2, concatenate, ''),
'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog ',
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(fold(ctx.num1, ifOdd, 10), 26))
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(foldRight(ctx.num1, adder, 0), 39))
t(({ eq, ctx }) =>
eq(foldRight(ctx.str1, concatenate, '-> '), '-> examplesimple a is This '),
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(foldRight(ctx.num1, ifOdd, 0), 12))
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(foldRight(ctx.num1, adder, 4), 43))
t(({ eq, ctx }) =>
foldRight(ctx.str2, concatenate, 'This is almost understandable. '),
'This is almost understandable. dog lazy the over jumped fox brown quick The ',
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(foldRight(ctx.num1, ifOdd, 10), 32))
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(reduce(ctx.num1, adder), 39))
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(reduce(ctx.num2, adder), 63))
t(({ eq, ctx }) =>
eq(reduce(ctx.str1, concatenate), 'This is a simple example'),
t(({ eq, ctx }) =>
reduce(ctx.str2, concatenate),
'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog ',
t(({ eq, ctx }) =>
eq(reduce(ctx.obj, merger), {
a: 12,
b: 6,
c: { d: 2, e: 3 },
f: 'hello',
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(reduceRight(ctx.num1, adder), 39))
t(({ eq, ctx }) => eq(reduceRight(ctx.num2, adder), 63))
t(({ eq, ctx }) =>
eq(reduceRight(ctx.str1, concatenate), 'examplesimple a is This '),
t(({ eq, ctx }) =>
reduceRight(ctx.str2, concatenate),
'dog lazy the over jumped fox brown quick The ',
t(({ eq, ctx }) =>
eq(reduceRight(ctx.obj, merger), {
f: 'hello',
b: 6,
c: { d: 2, e: 3 },
a: 12,
export const setup = () =>
num1: [3, 10, 26, 0],
num2: [4, 24, 10, 25],
str1: ['This ', 'is ', 'a ', 'simple ', 'example'],
str2: 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'
.split(' ')
.map((x) => (x += ' ')),
obj: [{ a: 12 }, { b: 6, c: { d: 2, e: 3 } }, { f: 'hello' }],
}).map(([k, v]) => [k, Object.freeze(v)]),