
175 lines
4.8 KiB

import { places } from './subjects/where-do-we-go/'
export const tests = []
const random = (min, max) => {
if (!max) {
max = min
min = 0
min = Math.ceil(min)
max = Math.floor(max)
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min
const getDegree = coordinates => {
const north = coordinates.includes('N')
const degree = coordinates.split("'")[0].replace('°', '.')
return north ? degree : -degree
export const setup = async ({ page }) => {
return {
getDirection: async () =>
await page.$eval('.direction', direction => direction.textContent),
const sortedPlaces = places.sort(
(a, b) => getDegree(b.coordinates) - getDegree(a.coordinates),
const dataNames ={ name }) =>
.split(' ')
tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => {
const { width, height } = await page.evaluate(() => ({
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight,
const sections = await page.$$eval('section', sections => => {
return [
console.log(`Must contain ${places.length} places`)
// check that the correct amount of sections has been generated
eq(sections.length, places.length)
// check that all the sections are fullscreen-size
eq([ Set(...sections)], [width, height])
tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => {
// check that the sections have been generated with the correponding images as background,
// and sorted in the right order (from the Northest to the Southest)
const imageNames = await page.$$eval('section', sections => => {
const test ='.jpg')[0].split('/')
return test[test.length - 1]
console.log(`Must be sorted from North to South`)
console.log(`Must have the right images in background`)
eq(imageNames, dataNames)
tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => {
// check that the location indicator is updating according to the image displayed
let step = 1
while (step < 6) {
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.scrollBy(0, window.innerHeight + 200)
await page.waitForTimeout(150)
const location = await page.$eval('.location', location => [
const currentLocationIndex = await page.evaluate(() =>
Math.round(window.scrollY / window.innerHeight),
const currentLocation = sortedPlaces[currentLocationIndex]
const { name, coordinates, color } = currentLocation
const expectedLocation = [name, coordinates, color]
// check that the location indicator and the displayed location contents are matching
console.log(`Scroll #${step}: displaying ${location[0]}`)
eq(location, expectedLocation)
tests.push(async ({ page, eq, getDirection }) => {
// check that the compass is pointing 'S' when scrolling down
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.scrollBy(0, window.innerHeight)
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
const direction = (await getDirection()).includes('S')
? 'S'
: await getDirection()
console.log('Scroll down: pointing', direction)
eq(direction, 'S')
tests.push(async ({ page, eq, getDirection }) => {
// check that the compass is pointing 'N' when scrolling up
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.scrollBy(0, -100)
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
const direction = (await getDirection()).includes('N')
? 'N'
: await getDirection()
console.log('Scroll up: pointing', direction)
eq(direction, 'N')
tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => {
// check that the location target attribute is set to '_blank' to open a new tab
const locationTarget = await page.$eval('.location', ({ target }) => target)
`Location <a> tag target attribute ${
locationTarget === '_blank' ? '' : 'not '
}set to open a new tab`,
eq(locationTarget, '_blank')
tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => {
// check that the location href is valid
const location = await page.$eval('.location', ({ href, textContent }) => ({
const isValidUrl = location.href.includes('')
const coords = location.textContent.split('\n')[1]
const convertedUrl = location.href
.join(' ')
const isValidCoordinates = convertedUrl.includes(coords)
console.log('URL', location.href, isValidUrl ? 'valid' : 'invalid')
eq(isValidUrl, true)
`Matching coordinates ${coords} ${
isValidCoordinates ? '' : 'not '
}found in URL`,
eq(isValidCoordinates, true)