
56 lines
1.6 KiB

export const tests = []
export const setup = async ({ page }) => ({
getNotes: async () =>
await page.$$eval('.note', (nodes) => {
return => note.textContent)
const characters = `didyouhandlethekeydowneventcorrectly`
tests.push(async ({ page, eq, getNotes }) => {
// check that a note is created and matches the right letter when a key is pressed
for (const [i, character] of characters.split('').entries()) {
await page.keyboard.down(character)
const typed = characters.slice(0, i + 1).split('')
eq(await getNotes(), typed)
tests.push(async ({ page, eq, getNotes }) => {
// check that the last note is removed when Backspace key is pressed
let step = 1
while (step < 10) {
await page.keyboard.down('Backspace')
const typed = characters.slice(0, characters.length - step).split('')
eq(await getNotes(), typed)
tests.push(async ({ page, eq, getNotes }) => {
// check that all the notes are cleared when Escape key is pressed
await page.keyboard.down('Escape')
const cleared = (await getNotes()).length === 0
eq(await cleared, true)
tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => {
// check that notes have different background colors
const test = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
let step = 0
while (step < test.length) {
await page.keyboard.down(test[step])
const getNotesBg = await page.$$eval('.note', (nodes) => {
return =>
const colors = [ Set(getNotesBg)]
const allDifferent = colors.length === test.length
eq(allDifferent, true)