## setspace ### Instructions Write a function that takes a PascalCase `string` and returns the same `string` with a space between each word. - The function must return an empty `string` if the input is an empty `string`. - The function must return `"Error"` if the input `string` is not a PascalCase `string`. - The PascalCase begins with a capital letter, and each word begins with a capital letter without a space between them, for example: "HelloWorld" is a valid PascalCase `string`. - The PascalCase cannot contain any non-alphabetic character, for example: "Hello World12" is not a valid PascalCase `string`. ### Expected function ```go func SetSpace(s string) string { } ``` ### Usage Here is a possible program to test your function: ```go package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { fmt.Println(SetSpace("HelloWorld")) fmt.Println(SetSpace("HelloWorld12")) fmt.Println(SetSpace("Hello World")) fmt.Println(SetSpace("")) fmt.Println(SetSpace("LoremIpsumWord")) } ``` And its output: ```console $ go run . | cat -e Hello World$ Error$ Error$ $ Lorem Ipsum Word$ $ ```