[ { "description": "Should work on mixed case", "code": "let message = 'YoU cAn CaLl Me YoUr MaJeStY!'\nlet kevin = { age: 14 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 25 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(noCaps, 'you can call me your majesty!')\nequal(allCaps, 'YOU CAN CALL ME YOUR MAJESTY!')" }, { "description": "Should work on mixed case", "code": "let message = `DoN'T tAlK aBoUt My MoMs, Yo`\nlet kevin = { age: 14 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 25 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(noCaps, `don't talk about my moms, yo`)\nequal(allCaps, `DON'T TALK ABOUT MY MOMS, YO`)" }, { "description": "oldestAge is a number", "code": "let kevin = { age: 14 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 25 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\nlet message = 'YoU cAn CaLl Me YoUr MaJeStY!'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(typeof oldestAge, 'number')" }, { "description": "oldestAge is the maximum value of the age property (martin)", "code": "let kevin = { age: 14 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 25 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\nlet message = 'YoU cAn CaLl Me YoUr MaJeStY!'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(oldestAge, 32)" }, { "description": "oldestAge is still the maximum value of the age property (kevin)", "code": "let kevin = { age: 67 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 25 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\nlet message = 'YoU cAn CaLl Me YoUr MaJeStY!'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(oldestAge, 67)" }, { "description": "oldestAge is still the maximum value of the age property (stephanie)", "code": "let kevin = { age: 29 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 45 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\nlet message = 'YoU cAn CaLl Me YoUr MaJeStY!'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(oldestAge, 45)" }, { "description": "cutFirst from the latin alphabet", "code": "let alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\nlet kevin = { age: 14 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 25 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet message = 'YoU cAn CaLl Me YoUr MaJeStY!'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(cutFirst, 'klmnopqrstuvwxyz')" }, { "description": "cutFirst from the georgian alphabet", "code": "let alphabet = 'აბგდევზთიკლმნოპჟრსტუფქღყშჩცძწჭხჯჰ'\nlet kevin = { age: 14 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 25 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet message = 'YoU cAn CaLl Me YoUr MaJeStY!'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(cutFirst, 'ლმნოპჟრსტუფქღყშჩცძწჭხჯჰ')" }, { "description": "cutLast from the latin alphabet", "code": "let alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\nlet kevin = { age: 14 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 25 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet message = 'YoU cAn CaLl Me YoUr MaJeStY!'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(cutLast, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw')" }, { "description": "cutLast from the greek alphabet", "code": "let alphabet = 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω'\nlet kevin = { age: 14 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 25 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet message = 'YoU cAn CaLl Me YoUr MaJeStY!'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(cutLast, 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφ')" }, { "description": "cutFirstLast from the latin alphabet", "code": "let alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\nlet kevin = { age: 14 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 25 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet message = 'YoU cAn CaLl Me YoUr MaJeStY!'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(cutFirstLast, 'fghijklmnopqrst')" }, { "description": "cutFirstLast from the armenian alphabet", "code": "let alphabet = 'աբգդեզէըթժիլխծկհձղճմյնշոչպջռսվտրցւփքօֆուև'\nlet kevin = { age: 14 }\nlet stephanie = { age: 25 }\nlet martin = { age: 32 }\nlet message = 'YoU cAn CaLl Me YoUr MaJeStY!'\n\n// Your code\n\nequal(cutFirstLast, 'զէըթժիլխծկհձղճմյնշոչպջռսվտրցւփ')" } ]