
This commit is contained in:
zoevig 2022-08-24 10:05:02 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent bb2473a509
commit c6d8047775
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 0 additions and 190 deletions

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# Events management
## Usage
An event is associated to an object when the usage of this object implies:
- a limited capacity of people
- a limited time
Event management require:
- Edition of the attributes of the object on which the event is based
- Creation and settings of the event associated to the reference object
> Events are used for: `piscines`, `check-in`, `exams`, `rushes`, `hackatons`, `conferences`.
## Settings for the reference object
Important indications:
- Objects that doesn't have required attributes for event creation will not be open to event creation.
| name | fullfillment |
| -------------------- | ------------ |
| capacity | **required** |
| eventDuration | **required** |
| registrationDuration | **required** |
| description | optionnal |
| eventStartDelay | optionnal |
- All the attributes filled in the object are used as values by default for event's creation; it can be overloaded for each event related to the reference object.
- If the reference object has a child or children which are events itself, settings are also required for each event child.
#### Edit the object attributes:
> in _Object attributes_
<img width="1073" alt="Capture décran 2019-08-22 à 11 40 34" src="img/63525316-64e0da80-c4f5-11e9-9e61-57d5a73da9b1.png">
- Add a new key **capacity** of type `Number` with the maximum number of persons you want for events related to the object by default
- Add a new key **eventDuration** of type `Number` with the duration in minutes you want for events related to the object by default
- Add a new key **registrationDuration** of type `Number` with the duration in minutes you want to allow to people to register to the event by default
- Add a new key **eventStartDelay** of type `Number`, if you want a default delay between the end of registration and the beginning of the event. This duration is expressed in minutes.
- Add a new key **description** of type `String`, if you need to associate some informations to your event (description, location, access, documents to provide, etc.)
#### Edit the children
> in _Children_
<img width="609" alt="Capture décran 2019-08-22 à 15 43 43" src="img/63525543-c86b0800-c4f5-11e9-8820-60d9ff33994f.png">
- Add a new key **startAfter** of type `Number`, with the default delay you want between the beginning of the event and the beginning of the child event. This duration is expressed in minutes.
##### Example
Here is an example of the `Piscine Go` settings. It presents the settings of the object attributes `Piscine Go`, the settings of one of its child which is an event and the settings of the child object attributes itself.
> NB : this object settings are provided in the admin, in the curses section: 'Piscine Go' and in the exams section 'Exam 01'.
**Piscine Go**
_Object attributes_
"capacity": 400,
"eventDuration": 37440,
"registrationDuration": 43200,
"eventStartDelay": 240
This piscine object attributes look like this:
> In the `Piscine Go`, children of type _exam_ and _rush_ have events itself.
> A **startAfter** key has to be defined for each of them, in their parent object `Piscine Go`. For example, the exam-01 gets this key:
"startAfter": 8160
This child attributes look like this:
![piscine children attributes](img/63525543-c86b0800-c4f5-11e9-8820-60d9ff33994f.png)
**Exam 01**
> The object `Exam 01`, which is a child of `Piscine Go`, has its own _Object Attributes_ filled in the child object.
_Object attributes_
"eventDuration": 240,
"registrationDuration": 2160,
"eventStartDelay": 60
> NB: the **capacity** attribute is herited from the parent object `Piscine Go` here.
This exam object attributes look like this:
## Create the event
### Create a new event for your object
> (in _Admin_ > _Manage events_ > _Add new event_)
<img width="788" alt="Capture décran 2019-08-22 à 11 37 13" src="img/63532891-9d87b080-c503-11e9-8ff2-46c7a5b19c12.png">
<img width="789" alt="Capture décran 2019-08-22 à 11 37 35" src="img/63533088-02430b00-c504-11e9-9675-bcab7bec825c.png">
<img width="787" alt="Capture décran 2019-08-22 à 11 38 07" src="img/63533145-21419d00-c504-11e9-8e80-fb4f53d93b00.png">
- The **reference object** of your event is the object for which you need to create an event: `Check`, `Piscine Go`, etc.
- The **registration starts at** indicates when registration of the event begins.
- The **registration ends at** indicates when registration of the event ends.
- The **event starts at** indicates when the event begins.
> NB:
> - End of registration can't be before its beginning.
> - Start of event can't be before end of registration.
> - Date and Time input is not yet working in firefox but should be added soon by mozilla. In the mean while use chrome for adding events
### Settings for you event
> In the event you have created, 3 categories must be checked:
> 1. General settings
> 2. Registration's settings
> 3. Event's settings
#### General settings
<img width="785" alt="Capture décran 2019-08-22 à 11 39 26" src="img/63533589-015ea900-c505-11e9-8b77-b45b620cd171.png">
General settings of your event can be set after creation of the event. By default, it is the values indicated in the **reference object**.
- **Capacity**
- During the regitration, the capacity doesn't apply. When registration ends, we register the amount defined by the **capacity** to the event _(ordered by registration date)_.
- If someone unregister to the event during a registration, it release one place.
- During a registration, users can see if their place is guaranteed or if they are in waiting list.
- If the event has children which are event themselves, they will use by default the capacity of the parent event
if no capacity was defined on this child.
- **Description** (facultative)
- It can be used to describe the topic of the event, or to add some practical informations: location, documents to provide, accessibility, etc.
#### Registration
<img width="761" alt="Capture décran 2019-08-22 à 11 39 37" src="img/63533613-0facc500-c505-11e9-90e8-94254cef5ce3.png">
- End of registration can't be after start of registration.
- Dates can't be updated after it's passed.
- The **registration duration** indicated in the **reference object** is reminded under the inputs to help you fill the informations.
- Same for the **event start delay**.
- The list of users in the registration, pending or accepeted, is accessible by clicking on the link 'N users registered', at the left bottom of this categrory.
#### Event
<img width="740" alt="Capture décran 2019-08-22 à 11 39 49" src="img/63533641-1d624a80-c505-11e9-9cd1-e1d156dd7fc4.png">
- End of event can't be after start of event.
- Dates can't be updated after it's passed.
- The **end of event** is calculated by default by adding the **event duration** indicated in the **reference object** to the **start of event** date.
- If the event contains other events, the **end of event** can't be before the end of the last child event.
- The **event duration** indicated in the **reference object** is reminded under the inputs to help you fill the informations.
- If the event contains other events, the **minimum end of event** is indicated under the inputs to help you fill the informations.
- The list of users selected for the event at its creation is accessible by clicking on the link 'N users registered', at the left bottom of this categrory.
#### Children (facultative)
<img width="1009" alt="Capture décran 2019-08-22 à 18 24 49" src="img/63535788-29044000-c50a-11e9-835c-f8378558962c.png">
This category appears only if the event has children which are events itself.
- Children settings can't be overloaded.
- Each event child presents:
- Its **Start** and **end** (according to the children settings of the **reference object**)
- Its **capacity**
- Its **groups size**
- Reminder: in `hackatons` or `rushes`, candidates or students registered to the are divided in groups of N persons.