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Barthélemy de Mazenod 2019-04-24 12:39:47 +01:00
parent 1f51195662
commit 9464645f4f
3 changed files with 113 additions and 0 deletions

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# Admin object's management - create a child object
## Usage
> Objects of the Admin can be configured :
> * By setting particular **attributes** to the object
> * By associating **children** to the object
> Children can be added, deleted, reordered in the list. Also, it's possible to configure it in a special way for the parent object, by setting children attributes for all the children.
> This documentation explains how to associate a child to a parent object.
### Create a new object for your child in the admin
> Information is available for object's creation: [Modular step management](
### Add this new object as a child of your parent's object
#### 1. Edit the parent object
<img width="640" alt="Capture décran 2019-04-22 à 19 24 23" src="">
<img width="640" alt="Capture décran 2019-04-22 à 19 24 10" src="">
#### 2. Go to *Children* > *Add a child*
![add child to parent object](
#### 3. Set up the new child:
* Enter its name in the input "Add a child name"
* Select your step object in the select input
* Click on "ADD"
> Your step is then related to its parent. You can see it in the *Children* section of the parent's object. There, you can now:
> * Delete the child from its parent (the actual object of your child will not be deleted).
> * Reorder it in the children's list, by dragging it to the place you want.
> * Go to update its settings by clicking on the eye of its reference (it will redirect you to the actual object of your step).
<img width="1229" alt="Capture décran 2019-04-22 à 19 51 12" src="">

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# Admin object's management - create an object
## Usage
> Elements of the app are managed threw objects in *Admin*.
> Objects of the Admin are first created and defined:
> * By their **title**,
> * By their **type**.
> Then it can be configured threw:
> * Attributes,
> * Children.
> This documentation explains how to create an object.
### Create a new object in the admin
> (in *Admin* > *Add new object*)
<img width="664" alt="Capture décran 2019-04-22 à 15 57 37" src="">
<img width="450" alt="Capture décran 2019-04-22 à 15 58 21" src="">
* The **title** of your object will be the title displayed to your candidates. Use an intellegible title for your user.
> NB: you can always edit it in the *Admin*
* The **type** depends on the nature of your object:
* **Campus** is used to declare a school.
* Examples: *Alem*, *Madeira*, etc.
* Campus can contains cursus: *Alem* contains for example *01-classical* and *Piscine Go*.
* **Cursus** is used to declare a course.
* Examples: *01-classical*, *Piscine Go*, etc.
* Cursuses can contains cursuses: the main cursus *01-classical*, for example, contains cursuses like *Piscine Go*, but also all the branches that the student have access to, as *Web*, *Security*, *Algorythm*, *Design*, etc.
* Cursuses can contains quests: *Piscine Go* of *01-classical* contains quests like *Quest 1* or *Quest 2*.
* **Quest** is used to declare a project.
* Examples: *Quest 1*, *Quest 2*, etc.
* Quest contains exercises: *Quest 1* of *Piscine Go* contains exercises like *printalphabet* or *printcomb*.
* Exercise is used to declare exercises
* Examples: *printalphabet*, *printcomb*, *atoi*, etc.
* Exercises doesn't contains any children.
* Signup is used to declare steps of the registration.
* Examples: *Using our services*, *Tell us more about you*, etc.
* One major object *Sign up* contains all the sign up's modular steps : *Using our services*, *Tell us more about you*, etc.
* Onbaording is used to declare steps of the onbaording.
* Examples: *Toad*, *Administration*, *Additional Informations*, *Chart 01*, etc.
* Three main objects define the major steps of the onboarding : *Toad*, *Administration*, *Piscine*.
* *Administration* contains modular steps: *Additional Informations*, *Chart 01*, etc.
> The child object is then available in the *Admin*. It can be found in the section of its type or thanks to the search bar of the cursus object's page.
> More information is available:
> * for setting attributes of an object: (soon available)
> * for setting children of an object: [Child object creation](
> * for creation of modular steps in Sign up and onboarding's Administration object: [Modular step management](

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# Objects
> Allow you to create, manage and organize your pedagical and onboarding content.
## Definition
An Object is an highly customizable element, which can be use in many situations. We use it to compose cursuses and onboarding processes.
Objects can be associated together and then share a vertical or horizontal relationship, which allows to build complex structure of multiple objects.
It structure can be visualized in two parts. The first one is the definition of the object itself and attributes, called `attrs`. The second part is the definition of minor relationships, called `children` and attributes applied to them, called `childrenAttrs`.
This is the minimal structure of an object:
- name
- type (`organisation`, `campus`, `onboarding`, `cursus`, `quest`, `exercise`)
- status (`draft`, `online`, `offline`)
- attrs {}
- childrenAttrs {}
- children {}
## Browse Objects:
To access your Objects, go to the admin dashboard and then click on the _manage object_ link within the "Object" card.
Objects are sorted by type in different sections. This page offer a search bar that allow you query the objects by name. In the top-right corner, click the _add a new object_ button to create a new object. Fill a name, select a type and click _create_ to validate your creation. You will be redirected to the Object Edition page (document is here).