create editor version of init/hello-there for the origin piscine

This commit is contained in:
Clement Denis 2022-07-11 04:10:55 +01:00 committed by Clément
parent eb95584405
commit 711dabdb12
2 changed files with 88 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"description": "Log a number in the console",
"code": "// If you see this code, it means that you failed the first tests.\n// each tests have it's own code to be tested that will appear if\n// your solution doesn't pass it, it is not here to help you.\n// While sometimes it may clarify the instructions\n// this specific test is complex and will most likely confuse you.\n\n// This is to save all the values that you console.log'd\nconst args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\n\n// This comment below will be replaced by your code\n// Your code\n\n// This is where we check that the value are expected.\n// It's pretty advanced code, you don't have to understand it\n// Do not try to use it for the solution, it will not help you.\nconst typeOfLoggedValues = args.flat().map((v) => typeof v)\nif (!typeOfLoggedValues.includes('number')) {\n // this is where we create the error message you see:\n throw Error('you must log a number')\n // that's what you should focus on trying to understand\n // the message, not `throw` or `Error` don't worry about\n // that, worry about showing a number in the console !\n}"
"description": "Log a boolean in the console",
"code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\n\n// Your code\n\nconst typeOfLoggedValues = args.flat().map((v) => typeof v)\nif (!typeOfLoggedValues.includes('boolean')) {\n throw Error('you must log a boolean')\n}"
"description": "Log a string in the console",
"code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\n\n// Your code\n\nconst typeOfLoggedValues = args.flat().map((v) => typeof v)\nif (!typeOfLoggedValues.includes('string')) {\n throw Error('you must log a string')\n}"
"description": "Log the string Hello There ! in the console",
"code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\n\n// Your code\n\nconst loggedValues = args.flat().join(' ')\nif (!loggedValues.includes('Hello There !')) {\n throw Error('you must log the text Hello There !')\n}"

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
## Hello There 👋
### Values
There are 3 types of values, and they can model the **WORLD** !\
_(In the end it's all `1`'s and `0`'s for the computer)_, but us, **humans**, need
an easier way of representing stuff.
> We can all agree that `11010001100101110110011011001101111` is not a very
> friendly way to say `'hello'` !
#### Numbers 🔢
- Whole numbers: `1`, `23`, `232139283`
- Negative numbers are prefixed with `-`: `-1`, `-1231`
- Decimal numbers: `3.14`, `-2.53343` etc...
Use them for _quantities_ like in daily life.
#### Booleans ✖️ / ✔️
We use them when something is either `true` or `false`.
They can be used to represent an answer to a closed-ended question _(anything that can
be answered with yes or no)_.
> We would answer the question *Is your screen turned on ?*
> with the value `true` _(most likely)_.
#### Strings 🆒
- `'Hello'`
- `'This is some text'`
A string is a sequence of characters used to represent text, it needs
**delimiters** to define its _begining_ and _end_.\
Delimiters are matching quotes, either `` ` ``, `"` or `'`.
### Using `console.log`
To display output from a script into a console, use the function `console.log`:
console.log() // <- will show an empty line
Add any value between the parentheses to see it appear when the script is
> It is very important to use this often to validate that our code is valid. The
> more it is tested, the easier it is to understand what's going on in the code
> !
> In doubt, `console.log` everything, don't be shy, they are for free.
### Instructions
In the editor block, write a program that displays:
- the exact text `Hello There !`
- any `Number`
- and a `Boolean`.
### Recommendation
Videos designed to give **hints** are assigned to each quest. It is strongly suggested to watch them as you go.
### You will learn about
- JavaScript primitive values