docs(drop_the_blog): make subject prettier compliant

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Michele Sessa 2022-11-23 17:42:27 +01:00 committed by Michele
parent f47d73dd23
commit 1910f00925
1 changed files with 16 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -5,25 +5,30 @@
Define the following structures:
- `Blog`: containing:
- `drops`: that will save the number of dropped articles.
- `states`: that will save the state of multiple articles. If the article is not dropped, the state will be `false`, otherwise it will be `true`.
- `drops` that will save the number of dropped articles.
- `states` that will save the state of multiple articles. If the article is not dropped, the state will be `false`, otherwise it will be `true`.
- `Article`: containing:
- `id` as `usize`.
- `body`: as `String`.
- `parent`: a link to the structure `Blog`. (Tip: this should be a reference).
- `body` as `String`.
- `parent` a link to the structure `Blog`. (Tip: this should be a reference).
You'll need to also add the following associated functions to the structures:
- `Blog`:
- `new`: that creates an empty blog.
- `new_article`: that receives a `String` for the body and returns a tuple with the `id` and a new `Article`.
- `is_dropped`: that receives an `id` and returns a `bool` that indicates the state of the article.
- `new_id`: which returns a `usize` representing the length of the `states` vector. (Which is also the first available id).
- `add_drop`: which is **called by the `Drop` trait**. It will receive an `id` that will be used to change the state of the article. If the state of that article is `true` then it will panic with the message `"X is already dropped"`, where `X` represents the `id`). Otherwise it should change the state to `true` and increment the `drops` field by 1.
- `new` that creates an empty blog.
- `new_article` that receives a `String` for the body and returns a tuple with the `id` and a new `Article`.
- `is_dropped` that receives an `id` and returns a `bool` that indicates the state of the article.
- `new_id` which returns a `usize` representing the length of the `states` vector. (Which is also the first available id).
- `add_drop` which is **called by the `Drop` trait**. It will receive an `id` that will be used to change the state of the article. If the state of that article is `true` then it will panic with the message `"X is already dropped"`, where `X` represents the `id`). Otherwise it should change the state to `true` and increment the `drops` field by 1.
- `Article`:
- `new`: that initializes a new article.
- `discard`: that drops the article.
- `new` that initializes a new article.
- `discard` that drops the article.
> You must implement the `Drop` trait for the `Article` structure. In this trait you must call the function `add_drop` so that the state of the article changes.